the house of the bees is called a hive.
A hive, sometimes called a bee's hive
The waxy structure constructed by honey bees is called honeycomb. It's a structure of hexagonal cells which the bees build to store pollen and honey, and to house their larvae.
Male bees are called drones.
Male bees are called drones.
Dirt Dobbers? These bees can be carpenter bees if they are making holes in the wood on your house. Mason bees use holes in trees usually made by woodpeckers, etc. You can make a mason bee house by drilling 1/4-3/8" holes in a thick board and placing on a tree or other structure. These bees are about half the size of a bumble bee. They are gentle.
The honeybee houses are called hivesHoney bees live in large family groups called colonies.A full-sized colony at the height of the growing season contains an average of 60,000 individual bees.Honey bees tended by beekeepers live in wood boxes called hives.Some well-managed hives in bee yards contain up to 80,000 individual bees.
Bees A place where bees are kept.
wax house
A pack of Honey Bees is called a Swarm.