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An animal

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Q: What is bacteria's shelter?
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How does the sexual reproduction of bacterias occur?

Bacterias do not reproduce sexually.

Are bacterias use full?

yes.some of the bacterias are useful but some are not.some specific type of bacterias are using as medicine also.

Are bacterias nice?

Some bacterias are nice but some are not like bacterias that wont harm you are nice ones and the one who harms arr viruses

Are beneficial bacterias stronger than the harmful ones?

it depends on the type of the bacteria. also beneficial bacterias outnumber the population of harmful bacterias.

What bacterias are microrganisum?

all of them

What are the helpful bacterias?


What are the bacterias that make you sick?


How do you get bad bacterias?

bad hygeine

What is the purpose of prescribing taxim o 200?

It is a broadspecrum antibiotic with very good result in gram negative bacterias and gram positive bacterias.

Where did the first creature on earth live?


What does Fungi and Plantea have in common?

they are bacterias i think

What are the organs that influenced by positive bacterias?

stomach. . .