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The most common appendage would be the leg. Arachnids have eight legs, centipedes have LOTS of legs. I'm not sure how many legs the crustaceans have. I think it's eight. But many crustaceans have modified their two front legs into pincers. And insects have six legs.

Another example of an arthropod appendage is the mandible. That's what they have instead of jaws. Mandibles open side to side instead of up and down.

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Q: What is an example of an appendage found in arthropods?
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They have a central nervous system, I think.

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The first couple segments of the bodies of most arthropods contain antennae which have sensory functions; for example humidity in insects, the touch sense, and often the chemical sense which would equate to our ability to taste and smell. Sometimes chemical receptors are on arthropods' legs or feet; those without antenna like the arachnids may have additional appendage pairs adapted for sensory functions. The crustaceans have biramous (branching) antenna organized like two pairs with the smaller pair called antennules. The maxillae are arthropods mouthparts which are used to manipulate food and often also have the taste function; and antennae in some arthropods have also been found to be used for non-sensory purposes like signalling.

Can you put the word appendage in a sentence?

You can put any word in a sentence. Appendage is relating to an external body part such as the arms or legs. Contexting is very important. For example: John Doe lost an appendage in a car accident.

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