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There are four different groups of Arthropods.

The group with four pairs of legs are Spiders.

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Q: What is an arthropod that has one pair of legs segment?
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What fast flat bodied carnivorous arthropod has one pair of legs per body segment?

It's two per segment

Where are a millipede's legs located?

It has two pairs of legs on each segment. A centipede has one pair for each segment.

How many legs per body section do millipedes have?

Millipedes have two pairs of legs per body section, which means they have four legs on each segment of their body. This distinguishes them from centipedes, which have only one pair of legs per body segment.

What arthropod has two body segments one pair of antennae and is a predator?

The most obvious answer is the Chilopoda, the centipedes. The Diplopoda or millipedes seem to have two pairs of legs per segment, though actually that is because their real segments are joined in twos so that what looks like one segment really is a double segment and therefore bears four legs.

How many legs does centipide have?

The number of legs a centipede has depends on the number of body segments it has. Centipedes usually have one pair of legs per segment.

How many legs duos a centipede have?

Centipedes have one pair of legs per body segment, millipedes have 2 pair per segment.

What is flat segmented body and has one pair of legs per segment?

This is called a centipede (having 100 legs) although it does not have 100.

How many legs does a centipede have per segment?

A centipede has two legs per segment, one on each side. And they usually stick out to the side of the centipede. A milipede has 4 legs per segment, two on each side, and they are usually more under the body of the milipede.

How many legs centipede have?

Centipedes can have anywhere from 30 to 354 legs, depending on the species. Each body segment typically has one pair of legs.

What arthropod has 3 body sections and 1 pair of antenna?

You are describing insects.All insects have 6 legs, one pair of antennas and three body sections.Some examples are:AntsBeetlesWasps

What is a baenopod?

A baenopod is one of the thoracic legs of an arthropod.

What are the differences between a centipedes and millipedes?

Centipedes are fast-moving and are usually predators. They have one pair of legs on each body segment. Millipedes are slow-moving detritus eaters. They have two pairs of legs on each body segment.