

What is a nymth?

Updated: 12/13/2022
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13y ago

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They are a Greek mythological creature.

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Q: What is a nymth?
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since cockroaches have a incomplete medamorphsis life-cycle the stages are simple.. you have 3 stages. FIRST stage: EGG OR 'PURSE' SECOND stage: NYMTH THIRD stage: ADULT

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The name is thought to derive from a Celtic name Sabrinna, or Sabrina to the Romans and Hafren in Welsh, Severn in English. Folk law suggests the name comes from a Nymth, Sabrina, who drowned in the river

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What is a grasshoppers life cycle?

Well all grasshoppers start their life as eggs. Then, when it hatches it turns into a larvae. After that stage they grow into a pupa. Then, last but not least they turn into an adult. That's the complete metamorphosis. Squeekydawg made this answer

What is the life cycle of cockroaches?

1.first the adult cockroach lays eggs 2.then out from the egg comes baby cockroaches called nymphs 3.slowly they grow into adult cockroaches this is the life cycle of a cockroach. plus: if you kill a cockroach it still can live for more than a year before dying even if you cut it's head off!