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Q: What is a inherited and learned behavior by a dragonfly?
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Does a person learn an inherited behavior?

No. Example: In birds, they have to LEARN how to fly, so that is a learned behavior. But, they already know how to build a nest, so that is an inherited behavior.

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Is migrating an inherited or learned behavior?

Migrating can be both an inherited behavior, as seen in certain species that have a genetic predisposition to migrate seasonally, and a learned behavior, where individuals learn the migration route and pattern from others in their population or through experience. The extent to which migration is inherited or learned can vary among different species.

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Micheal Jackson

Does a person learn inherited behavior?

No. Example: In birds, they have to LEARN how to fly, so that is a learned behavior. But, they already know how to build a nest, so that is an inherited behavior.

What is inherited behavior?

Inherited behavior refers to behaviors that are passed down from one generation to the next through genetics. These behaviors are instinctual and are not learned during an individual's lifetime. Inherited behaviors are influenced by genes and are typically present in a species as a result of natural selection.

What are arthropods learned and inherited behaviors?

they already know how to fly(learned behavior) but there is nothing inheritatd (by the way this is Karina Shtyba)

Is it a learned or inherited trait that a chimpanzee uses sign language?

Learned Behavior. They can't do it unless they are taught. Of course they can always do it by accident.....

What mean inherited?

Inherited means to receive money, a property or a title as an heir of death of the previous holder. Wrong An inherited behavior is one that is not learned. It's done automatically.

What a learned behavior is?

A learned behavior in not instinctive but must be taught or acquired through learning.

What is the definition of learned or inherited behaviors?

Learned behaviors are acquired through interactions with the environment and experience, while inherited behaviors are passed down genetically from one generation to the next. Learned behaviors can be modified and adapted over time, while inherited behaviors are more fixed and less susceptible to change.