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Q: What is a black insect with six legs and a pincher on its butt found in Indiana?
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What black bugs can be found in northwest Indiana?

Japanese beetles

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some kind

What kind of insect found in the desert has a black thorax and a fuzzy red body?

An insect found in the desert that has a black thorax and a fuzzy red body is known as a velvet ant. They are technically a type of wasp, and they can cause severely painful stings.

What insect has a white body and two pairs of black square wings?

The insect you are describing is likely a White-Lined Sphinx Moth. This moth has a white body and black square patterns on its wings. It is a common species found across North America.

Where do pincher bugs live?

A pincher bug is more commonly known as an earwig. This bug lives in warmer climates and can be found in gardens, fields, and small crevices around the home.

What insect has brown and black horizontal stripes?

The paper wasp has brown and black horizontal stripes on its body. These wasps are known for their distinctive coloration and slender bodies. They can often be found nesting in sheltered areas around buildings and homes.

Black and yellow insect in UK what is it?

There is a black and yellow beetle found in the United Kingdom. It's called the wasp beetle and grows to be around 20 mm long.

What are the little green pincher bugs?

The little green pincher bugs are likely to be earwigs. Earwigs are small insects that have pincers or forceps-like appendages at the end of their abdomen. They are primarily nocturnal and feed on a variety of organic materials.

What kind of insect has black wings with alluminous pink spots on them?

This description matches the Rose Chafer beetle. It is a type of scarab beetle species commonly found in Europe and parts of Asia. The adult beetles have black wings with iridescent pink or coppery spots on them.

What insect is a Black Darter?

The Black Darter is a species of dragonfly found in Europe and parts of Asia. It is characterized by its predominantly black coloration, with some males developing bright red patches on their abdomens. They are typically found around ponds and slow-moving streams.

What type of insect has black legs in front and a red body behind?

The insect you are describing is most likely a red velvet ant, which is actually a type of wingless wasp. The black legs in front are often mistaken for antennae, which are absent in this species. The distinct coloration serves as a warning signal to predators that they are venomous.

When was Indiana found?

The state of Indiana was founded in 1816.