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I'm not great at insects, but it might be a Copestylum mexicanum. You might want to try a more reliable source than me. It would help to know where you saw it.

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Q: What is a black flying flea-like insect?
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What black flying insect burrows into wood?

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What flying insect is red with black eyes and a sting?

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What kind of flying insect had a black and white body 4 orange and 4 black legs with a long thin stinger?

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The sand fly is an insect that matches this description. It is black with a red abdomen and nests in the ground.

Buzy flying insect?

That buzzing, flying insect could be:BeeMosquitoGnatHorseflyHouseflyFruit flyOr many other flying insects.Hope this was helpful!

What is a black flying insect with curly antennae?

There r bettles and rouhe.I dont know how to spell thay word

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The flying, ant-like insect with a black body and orange legs is called a spider wasp or pompilid wasp. They can be found in South America, particularly in Venezuela and Colombia.

What type of insect is a black hard shell flying bug about 1 inch long?

The flying black insect with a hard shell is called a beetle. Beetles have a hard exoskeleton and a pair of forewings called elytra. They have a second pair of wings called the alae or hind wings and this pair is what they use to fly.

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What insect has orange wings and orange legs?

The flying insect that is black with orange bands on its body seems to be a honey bee. Honey bees are native to Southeast Asia and are so-called because of their ability to produce and store honey.