actually,all termites are winged(at least most).
Termites need protection from the heat, Subterranean Termites create "Shelter Tubes" to protect them selves from the heat. Heat will kill them. That is why they are called Subterranean , they have to go under the soil every 24 hours to survive. Soil is moist and cool.
Subterranean termites prefer that type of environment. Drywood termites prefer sun exposure and higher temperatures.
Subterranean termites eat wood and other materials that contain cellulose. In the forest termites are primary decomposers, eating dead trees, fallen limbs, and stumps.
they eat woods and dead plants. subterranean termites eat along the grain
Redwood indicates a fairly high durability in short-term exposures to high termite activity. Findings also suggest that extractives from this wood are quite toxic to Formosan subterranean termites.
Termites come in a wide range of sizes. Dampwood termites, the largest is the US, can grow up to five-eights of an inch in length. Subterranean worker termites, which are the most common, can grow to be three-eights of an inch in length.
Drywood and subterranean termites live within their "poop". They do not practice caprofagia - eating own excrements. Drywood termites also kick out their "poop" to open space when the nimph - youger termites grow. That's why we see termite droppings- most popular signs of termites when people call us for inspection. 800-205-6707 Servicing Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and Part of San Bernardino counties.
Kingdom: Animalia Phyllum: Arthropoda Class: Insecta Order: Isoptera: Termites are known as detritivores, which means that they eat decomposing plant matter. Around 10% of the estimated 4,000 different termite speciesare known as pests, as they can cause damage to buildings and agricultural land.
There are many types of termites that call United States home.In the northeast area of the county the two most popular are Drywood Termites and Eastern Subterranean Termites.Drywood Termites* 3/8"-5/8", yellow/brownish. One wing. * These eat across the grain, eating all the wood, unlike subterranean termites. These termites usually are found in small amounts, but if not fully treated, the new infestations can cause serious damage. * Drywood Termites typically live in dry wood(low levels of moisture). Usually found in sub tropical areas, several species in the southwest. Colonies are found inside the wood. Eastern Subterranean Termites* Underground, they enter wood structures through small cracks, some lees then 1/16". However, if moisture is available these creatures can survive without being underground., 3/8", dark-brown/ blackish. Wings are long and can be milky/ transparent.