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Q: What insect has orange body with black legs found on potato plant?
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WHAT flying insect has black body with orange legs looks very like an ant only has very long a tania?

The flying, ant-like insect with a black body and orange legs is called a spider wasp or pompilid wasp. They can be found in South America, particularly in Venezuela and Colombia.

What insect lays orange eggs on fern?

The insect that lays orange eggs on ferns is likely to be a type of ladybug known as the orange ladybird (Halyzia sedecimguttata). These ladybirds are commonly found on ferns and their eggs can be orange in color. The larvae of these ladybirds feed on aphids and other small insects found on ferns.

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What flying insect with 1 inchlong body and orange legs could be found in northern Ireland?

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What Flying insect has a red body with metallic black wings no stinger?

The insect you are describing sounds like a common flower beetle, also known as a blister beetle. They have a red or reddish-orange body with metallic black wings and do not have a stinger. These beetles can often be found around flowers feeding on pollen.

What kind of insect found in the desert has a black thorax and a fuzzy red body?

An insect found in the desert that has a black thorax and a fuzzy red body is known as a velvet ant. They are technically a type of wasp, and they can cause severely painful stings.

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The insect you are describing is likely a White-Lined Sphinx Moth. This moth has a white body and black square patterns on its wings. It is a common species found across North America.

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well i found a painted lady in my garden and if you don't believe me I'll even tell you of all the colours its got on it: a pale orange, orange, black and brown. I've got it right this moment on a book, it is so pretty i just cant believe that this creature is in my house on a insect book

What kind of spider is mostly black with orange legs and orange edge around its body and is found in South Africa?

A black spider with orange legs is called a Spotted Ground Spider. There are 60 different species to this group of spiders.

What kind of flying insect has an orange body and a green head?

Cereal leaf beetles have green bodies and a reddish-orange head. They are crop pests that are native to Asia and Europe, but can also be found in North America.

Is there a variety of Colorado potato beetles?

Yes, there is a variety of Colorado potato beetles. The insects in question (Leptinotarsa decemlineata) may be found natively from central Mexico northeastward, northward and northwestward into the United States -- excepting Alaska, California, Hawaii and Nevada -- as variations on the theme of black-on-orange-headed, black-on-yellow-striped, orange-legged potato- (belladonna-, common nightshade-, eggplant-, ground cherry-, henbane-, horsenettle-, pepper-, thorn apple-, tobacco-, tomato-) eaters. A paler version, the false potato beetle (Leptinotarsa juncta), ranges in the United States, from eastern Texas to northern Florida northward through Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Missouri, Virginia and West Virginia.

What is a orange spider with black and white legs and a black and green hump on it's back called?

Its a is found in north india...