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My Pug has what looks like moles on her skin. When I touch them she is sensitive to my touch. She has itched one open and it bled. They get scaley.

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Q: What if your Pug has what looks like brown moles on her skin they look like ticks but they are not ticks color is brown and then they get scaley?
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Related questions

What color are moles?

Moles are black.

What do compound moles look like?

Compound moles, which are slightly raised, range in color from tan to dark brown, and involve pigment-producing cells (melanocytes) in both the upper and lower layers of the skin (epidermis and dermis).

Are moles brown?

Most are varying shades of brown. Some are jet black.

Do moles start red?

Moles don't typically start red. Moles are usually a dark brown or black color and can develop anywhere on the skin, ranging from flat to raised in texture. If you notice a red or changing mole, it's important to have it checked by a dermatologist to rule out any potential skin concerns.

What is the origin for the word taupe?

The word "taupe" comes from the French word for mole, which also refers to the color of a mole's fur. Taupe is a greyish-brown color that resembles the fur color of moles.

What are dermal moles?

Dermal moles are common skin growths that develop when pigment cells known as melanocytes grow in clusters instead of being spread throughout the skin. They usually appear as dark, raised spots on the skin and are generally harmless. However, it is important to monitor them for any changes in size, shape, or color, as this could indicate a more serious condition.

Why doesn't he like girls with moles?

it looks strange but if he really likes you it wont matter

What color is witch's blood?

She/He has green face and lot of black moles

Do all cancerous moles grow?

Sometimes they change in color, sometimes they grow, if you find something that looks too dark of might be questionable you should go to the dermatologist before it gets worse.

How do you check for skin cancer?

Check for moles that have changed size, shape, and/or color.

What are face moles called?

Pigmented lesion are known as moles which are benign and they can occur in the face or any where else. It can turn malignant especially with too much exposure to the sun. Medical advice should be taken if there is any change in size, colour, itching or ulceration.

Can moles showing up allover your body be serious?

No, unless they grow or change color