If you want to know in detail what attracts mosquitoes you should check out the following post on mosquito attractants: http://www.alcs.ch/mosquito-attractants.html
Locations that attract mosquitoes are damp wet dark places to lay their eggs in- so try to avoid those types of places during summer.
From the lighter side: U.S.Government Issue Mosquito Repellent actually attracts them!
Still water attracts mosquitoes, they mate in it.
Citronella candles work by masking the human scent that attracts mosquitoes. However, they are not 100% effective in repelling all mosquitoes. Factors such as wind, proximity to the candle, and individual attractiveness to mosquitoes can affect their effectiveness.
yes, the carbon dioxide that you breathe out attracts them.
mosquitoes are more attracted to blue than any other color.
what mosquitoes
Mosquitoes make sounds near the human ear because mosquitoes make sounds everywhere. It sounds as though the mosquitoes are purposely seeking out the human ear when in reality, we only hear them when they're close.
It attracts heat because of vitamin d it gives the mosquito to have energyin flying especially the pregnant ones
for repreoduction they want blood
They want to bite!
They are human mosquitoes.
no one knows Person having higher suger level have sweet blood which attracts mosquitoes.
No; only those that have bitten an infected human. Mosquitoes are not affected by the virus, they simply transmit it.