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ANSWER:Mosquitoes are attracted by body heat and the amount of carbon dioxide emitted from your skin so then they pierce your skin with their proboscis and suck our blood for your protein so they can reproduce. Like a shark swimming upstream. They smell this and work their way upwind to find you. This can be fixed by using garlic in your diet or bug repellents like Deep woods off. They are also attracted to standing stagnet (still, not moving) water to lay eggs in.
Mosquitoes are attracted by body heat but mosquitoes prefer children to adults, blondes to brown haired people, and the color blue to any other color. You can buy some bug repellent or a mosquito product to keep mosquitoes away but you can never be too safe. Mosquitoes usually like when it's hot or warm outside so that's when mosquitoes are most active. They dislike the cold and rarely come out in the winter. When they pierce their needle-like thing into your skin, the most common way to get the mosquito off is the kill or slap the mosquito. You can buy one of those bug zappers that you light up and the shock instantly kills the bug. Do not use those bug zappers on your real skin or you may be shocked! When a mosquito invades your home, it is best to be calm then to be afraid of the mosquito. You should kill a mosquito immediately when they come into your home. Mosquitoes suck blood when they want to breathe so they suck blood very often. Try putting garlic in your diet to keep away mosquitoes for a while, though it may not sound very good to you but a strange way to keep the mosquitoes away. Though mosquitoes may be very annoying and irritating, at least you can hear them coming to get you and your blood. I really hope this answer helps!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~!

If you want to know in detail what attracts mosquitoes you should check out the following post on mosquito attractants:
Locations that attract mosquitoes are damp wet dark places to lay their eggs in- so try to avoid those types of places during summer.

From the lighter side: U.S.Government Issue Mosquito Repellent actually attracts them!

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15y ago

The mosquito is a kind of pest, but it is attracted to a man because of the scent of blood. The female needs blood to survive, and to pass on babies. It also is attracted to animals, but mostly humans.

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15y ago

bcuase some peeps have like this thing called a phenioshtypio which makes them more suseptible to the midges :]

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12y ago

Because blood atracts mosquitoes, and peoples have blood. O.o

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12y ago

Mainly they come when it's very hot and they love humans blood

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12y ago

they can be attracted by carbon dioxide. so don't exhale.

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Why are mosquitoes attracted more to certain people?

no one knows Person having higher suger level have sweet blood which attracts mosquitoes.

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