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If you give a pill bug soda it will most likely explode due to all the gas inside of it.

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Q: What happens when you give a pill bug soda?
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Pill Bug

What does a pill bug habitat look like?

Tomato slices. For water, give them a moist paper towel/rag. For shelter, give them a stone and some dirt under it.

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How can you tell a male pill bug from a female pill bug?

you usually have to have a low powered microscope or a really good magnify glass.

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What is a pill-bug egg look like?

A pill-bug egg usually appears as a yellow, spherical grain on the ventral side (under side) of a female. It appears as though the pill bug got a small yellow grain caught inside it.

The scientific name of a pill bug?

A Woodlouse

What domain is a pill bug?

Scientific classificationKingdom:AnimaliaPhylum:ArthropodaSubphylum:CrustaceaClass:MalacostracaOrder:IsopodaSuborder:OniscideaFamily:Armadillidiidae

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to feel the way.

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rollie-pollie, pill bug.

How is a pill bug like kangaroo?

They. Hop high

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the bug juice is called toad soda