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You might get an orange tiger lily, or a red lily with white stripes.

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Q: What happens if you pollinate a red tiger lily with a white tiger lily?
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What is the role of the sticky substance found at the base of the petals of a tiger lily in the process of pollination?

It is nectar and it attract insects to pollinate the tiger lily.

How does the peace lily pollinate?

by my head

When was Tiger Lily Records created?

Tiger Lily Records was created in 1998.

Where did the tiger lily come from?

A man named Tiger Jones was thought to have cross pollinated a Mediterranean Pond Lily with that of a Northern Canadian Eskimo Lily in 1845 to create what we now know as the Tiger Lily.

When was Tiger Lily - UK band - created?

Tiger Lily - UK band - was created in 1973.

What phylum is tiger lily in?

Tiger lily belongs to the phylum Magnoliophyta, which is also known as the flowering plants.

What is a type of Lily?

Tiger Lilies, Lilies of the Valley (little white looking bell flowers with a sweet smell).

What type is a lily?

Tiger Lilies, Lilies of the Valley (little white looking bell flowers with a sweet smell).

Who is the indian girls name in Peter Pan who was going to drown in the boat?

Tiger Lily

Is the tiger lily a mesophyte?

Yes, the tiger lily (Lilium lancifolium) is a mesophyte. Mesophytes are plants that thrive in average moisture conditions, which is suitable for the tiger lily's growth and development.

What is the shape of a tiger lily flower?

A tiger lily flower is typically trumpet-shaped, with six petals that curve back dramatically, exposing the stamens and pistil in the center. The petals are often brightly colored with unique markings, resembling the stripes of a tiger, hence the name "tiger lily."

Is a tiger lily the same as a fire lily?

Yes. It's scientific name is Lilium Bulbiferum and it's commonly named Orange/Fire/Tiger Lily.