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If you disturb a butterfly cocoon, it can kill the growing insect inside. It is important to leave the cocoon alone to let it develop naturally.

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Q: What happens if you disturb a butterfly cocoon?
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What stage in butterfly's life cycle does a butterfly spend inside a cocoon?

The butterfly's pupa stage is spent inside a cocoon

What do you do if a butterfly cocoon falls?

If The Cocoon Falls Down

How a butterfly egg turns into an adult butterfly?

First, the butterfly hatches as a worm. Then, the worm eats leaves to get fat, then it makes a cocoon. While in the cocoon, it transforms and goes through metamorphosis and soon emerges out of the cocoon as a butterfly.

What are the two names for the butterfly's cocoon called?

A butterfly`s is called a chrysalis a moth`s is a cocoon.

What is the butterfly's cycle?

Egg Caterpillar Cocoon Butterfly

What is the size of the cocoon?

depends on the type of butterfly. I have painted butterflies and there cocoon is about 2 in. where as a monach butterfly is considerably bigger.

Why do the butterfly stay in cocoon?


What is an insect protected by a cocoon?


How do you use the word cocoon in sentence?

After the caterpillar spun its cocoon, it transformed into a butterfly.

How can you tell if a butterfly has left the cocoon?

when you see a cocoon, check it opened? yes or no?If yes, it means the butterfly left. If no, it hasn't left.

What is the covering of a caterpillar when it is changing into a butterfly?


What is it called when a butterfly comes from the cocoon?
