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i had the same q for science but no one nows not even yahhoo so im sooooo dumed

Hah i had the Q also and it is most likely:

The energy role that is filled by the first organism in a food chain is the producer... This means that the plant (the one that produces) is at the very bottom of the food chain and it produces the energy for all of the other animals...






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Q: What energy role is filled by the first organism in a food chain?
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What do you call the first organism from any food chain to get energy directly from the producer?

an consumer

What is an organisms position in a sequence of energy transfers?

An organism's position in a sequence of energy transfers is determined by its trophic level - where it falls in the food chain. Producers are at the first trophic level, followed by herbivores, then carnivores, and finally decomposers. Each level represents a transfer of energy from one organism to the next in an ecosystem.

What does primary cunsumers mean?

An organism that gets its energy from producers (plants/autotrouphs). It is the first heterrotophs on a food chain.

What happens to energy as you move from step to step in a chain?

The energy decreases as you move step to step in a chain .........................................The first organism (primary consumer) that eats the producer (green plants) will have the most number of energy................................while the last organism in the chain (top predator) will have the least number of energy in the chain.

What always is the first organism in a food chain?

a what?

What is a food chain level?

A food chain level refers to the position of an organism in a food chain based on its feeding behavior. Producers make up the first level, followed by primary consumers (herbivores), secondary consumers (carnivores), and tertiary consumers (top carnivores). Each level represents a transfer of energy and nutrients through the ecosystem.

How is energy passed from one organism to the next?

Energy is passed from one organism to the next through the consumption of food. Organisms higher up in the food chain consume those lower down, transferring energy captured by plants to prey and predators in the ecosystem. This energy transfer occurs in a linear fashion, with each organism utilizing a portion of the energy for their own metabolic needs.

What type of organism is the first organism in the food chain?

Bacteria would always be the first link in a food chain. This is simply because it is so small and is, essentially, everywhere.

What happens to energy as you move from step in a chain or web?

The energy decreases as you move step to step in a chain The first organism (primary consumer) that eats the producer (green plants) will have the most number

How are energy transferred from one living thing to another?

Energy is transferred between living things through the consumption of food. When organisms eat, they obtain energy stored in the food they consume. This energy is used by the organism for various metabolic processes, and some of it is passed on to the next organism in the food chain when they are consumed.

What is an organism that produces its own food from the sun the bottom of the food chain?

An organism that produces its own food from the sun at the bottom of the food chain is called a producer or an autotroph. Common examples include plants, algae, and some bacteria. These organisms use photosynthesis to convert sunlight into energy, serving as the foundation of the food chain by providing energy for other organisms.

What kind of living thing is at the start of a food chain?

The organisms at the beginning of the food chain are called producers or autotrophs, such as plants and algae. Some make their own food using the sun's energy through photosynthesis and some producers use chemosynthesis to make their own food.Above them would be 1st level consumers, then 2nd level consumers and so on.