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the clocks eat ticks (and also tocks) lol :) ;)

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Q: What eats ticks?
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Related questions

Can ticks defecate?

Anything that eats anything (Ticks live) can defecate.

Do opossums carry insects?

They feast on insects if given the chance, and rarely carry ticks; they groom often and eat their ticks. The average opossum eats 1-3,000 ticks a year. They may have fleas, but the fleas are small and not numerous.

How does the relationship between the buffloes and the ticks differ from the that between the buffaloes and the oxpecker?

Ticks are a parasite which means they feed off of the buffalo, but the oxpicker has a symbolic relationship with the buffalo. It eats the ticks on the buffalo helping it and doesn't feed off the animal.

What eats deer ticks?

Ticks consume blood. Deer ticks are not as particular as their name implies; they'll happily eat blood from animals other than deer.

What symbiotic relationship do the warthog and ostrich have?

the ostrich eats ticks off the the warthog while the warthog is getting clean .

What eats a sharp-shinned hawk?

large mammals they eat ticks, small birds, insects, lizards, frogs, and snakes

What insect spreads parasites when it eats blood?

Several spread disease organisms when feeding on blood- fleas, ticks and mosquitos are 3 that come to mind.

Are there ticks in Kodiak Alaska?

Ticks are not native to Alaska. If you have ticks, you brought them with you.

What is a group of ticks called?

A group of ticks is called a "cluster" or a "pack."

What use do ticks have?

ticks have no use

Are ticks segmented worms?

No, ticks are not segmented worms.

Ticks on people?

Yes, ticks will feed on people.