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Sea wasps are the main diet of flying fish.

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Q: What eats sea wasps?
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What is a sea wasps enemy?

The Sea Turtle is the Sea Wasps Enemy.

What eats the bee wasps?

i dont think anyone does

What is a 'sea wasp'?

The Sea Turtle is the Sea Wasps Enemy.

What bug eats wasps?

Many insects can eat wasps, including dragonflies, moths, and beetles. Larger wasps, which belong to the order Hymenoptera, can also feed on other smaller wasps.

What animal eats a tarantula?

IT's A WASP dughgiant wasps

How many eggs do sea wasps lay at one time?

Sea wasps lay between 1 and 1 hundred eggs at a time.

What stinging insect eats baby grasshoppers?

Wasps,hornets,and sometimes bees

Do Sea wasps have a segmented body?

No, a sea wasp is a type of jellyfish, not an insect.

What is an example of parisitism?

An example of parisitism is of wasps and larvae of other insects. The wasps lay their eggs and when the larvae hatches it eats the other insect's larvae.

What animal eats gall wasps?

Some birds, such as woodpeckers and tits, are known to eat gall wasps. Other predators can include parasitic wasps and beetles.

What eats gall wasps?

Gall wasps are preyed upon by birds, parasitic wasps, beetles, and some species of ants. These predators help regulate gall wasp populations in nature.

What eats sea lavender?

The Maritime Ringlet Butterfly eats sea lavender nectar!