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Birds will eat non poisonous centipedes.

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Q: What eat's centipedes?
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What eats the Puerto Rican coqui?

mosquitoes, leaf hoppers, tree borers, centipedes and termites.

Is the bluegill fish a herbivore?

No it is a carnivore and eats worms, snails, slugs, insects, centipedes, spiders and other invertebrates.

What kills or eats a tarantula?

There are many predators of tarantulas. These include; wasps, centipedes, other spiders, birds of prey - and humans !

What do chorus frogs eat?

It Eats flies, beetles, moths, caterpillars, leaf hoppers, spiders, centipedes and even millipedes.

Is a centipede omnivores?

An omnivore is a living creature that eats both plant and animal matter. Centipedes do eat plants and animal matter, so they are an omnivore.

What is the height of a centipedes?

The average centipede is a centimeter tall. This is why centipedes are called centipedes.

Can you get HPV from centipedes?

You can not get HPV from centipedes.

Is a centipedes reptiles?

No centipedes are not reptile they are arthropods.

What are some examples of centipedes?

Sowbugs, millipedes, and centipedes are not actually bugs but they all fall under centipedes

Asexually or sexually centipedes?

Centipedes are living organisms, two centipedes mate, so sexual reproduction.

How many kinds of centipedes are there?

How many kinds of centipedes are there

How are centipedes helpful?

Centipedes are helpful in controlling insect populations as they feed on pests like ants, spiders, and cockroaches. They play a role in maintaining the balance of ecosystems by serving as a natural form of pest control.