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Hi, friend, we are really living in very uncertain times in this moder era, when many people are getting on each other's nerves, my nerves is shot to hell too! And it is getting worst! Being a pest means, "not having enough time to share a few loving caring thoughts to avoid a natural catastrophe, like World War 2.. Friend, if any foreign outsider gets a hold of any nuclear weapon of an EMP, that shall devastate our economy here in America! Everyone has a debit card where there money is in the bank! And if a attack shall arrive upon us, all of our technology gadgets we use on a daily basics shall be useless, nothing shall work! There shall be chaos in the every Street in America, not only here, but in all the other parts of the world too! It shall be the worst tribulation since World War 2! JESUS did say this is arriving and quickly! Is Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior? Friend?

Jesus even knew this were going to happen when he were just a little tiny

baby in a manger with all the animals watching, along with his mother,

the Virgin Mary and his step dad Joseph plus the 3 Wise MEN who were very wise 3 Kings in Bethehem Israel many eons ago! If you would like to call, write or visit with me, my name is Donald Allen Brewer, 13735 Polk

Polk Plaza #205 Omaha, Nebraska 68137 landline phone 402-905-0465

my personal email address is: - -

GOD BLESS YOU ALL in GLOBAL Relations Department!

If you would like how to protect yourself in an EMP Attack, get this book

immediately at thrift books or amazon books on the internet search - -

"Alive After The Fall," by Author Alexander Cain copy right 2020

Here is another book you might enjoy:

"The Language GOD Talks," On Science and Religion by author Herman

Wouk - - It doesn't seem to me that this fantastically marvelous universe, this tremendous range of time and space and different kinds of animals, and all the different planets, and all these atoms with all their motions, and so on, all this complicated thing can merely be a stage so that GOD can watch human beings struggle for good and evil - - which is the view that religion has. The stage is too big for the drama! - - Richard Feynman

Remember, Herman Wouk, we are storytellers! Stories, pictures, people!

No thoughts! - - S. Y. Agnon - -

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17y ago

Usually, people will say "sorry to be such a pest" (meaning that they apologize for being irritating) when they need a little bit of reassurance. It is a conversational tactic used to test whether a person's comments are being well recieved. If your friend sends you three emails, and you haven't answered, and then he or she sends one more, but adds "sorry to be a pest," it probably means that he or she is worried about talking too much or becoming an irritation to you. In that case, a response is best, and reassurance that the person is not a bother is nice. Occasionally though, it is just for the sake of politeness. If a person says "sorry to be such a pest, but I need that report" it usually means that they have asked you before, and they realize that asking multiple times can be annoying, but they still want the report. :) In that case, when they are asking for something, they probably don't need reassurance.

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