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Not all naturally occurring phenomenon have a meaning, flights of dragonflies appear naturally anywhere that the small flying (and most often biting) insects they prey upon are present in sufficient numbers to attract them, however...

There are those who believe that Dragonfly can be interpreted as illusion, and as a metaphorical reminder of a time when magic was still something we believed in. Others see it as representative of agility, the carefree, dreams, and on occasion the flighty.

Amongst some American Indian nations, the dragonfly is a symbol of the dream-time, (otherworldly experiences, the right brain, the feminine, the non-linear).
The perpetuation of greatness. The some notable virtue will be carried on by some member or affiliate of the deceased's family.

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16y ago

Not all naturally occurring phenomenon have a meaning, flights of dragonflies appear naturally anywhere that the small flying (and most often biting) insects they prey upon are present in sufficient numbers to attract them, however...

There are those who believe that Dragonfly can be interpreted as illusion, and as a metaphorical reminder of a time when magic was still something we believed in. Others see it as representative of agility, the carefree, dreams, and on occasion the flighty.

Amongst some American Indian nations, the dragonfly is a symbol of the dream-time, (otherworldly experiences, the right brain, the feminine, the non-linear).

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