Doo Doo Bug is part of the negro band that helps Bud get through all this mess and feed . He is the nicest one to Bud and makes the band not pick on him
Doo Doo Bug Lefty Lewis Steady Eddie Mr. Jimmy and Bud is Sleepy LaBone The Thug Dirty Deed Doo-doo Bug Mr. Jimmy
the names of the band in Bud , not buddy are Doug the Thug, Steady Eddie, Mr Jimmy, Dirty Deed Breed, and Doo-Doo Bug Cross .
miss thomas mr. jimmy steady eddie the thug dirty deed doo doo bug
steady Eddie, mr.jimmy, Herman e calloway, doo doo bug, dirty deed, and mrs.thomas
miss thomas mr. jimmy steady eddie the thug dirty deed doo doo bug
Herman E. Calloway Miss Thomas Steady Eddie The Thug Doo - Doo Bug Mr. Jimmy Dirty Deed
Bud CaldwellLefty LewisHerman E. Calloway"Steady" Eddie PatrickDoug "The Thug" TennantChug "Doo-Doo Bug" CrossMr. Jimmy WesleyRoy "Dirty Deed" BreedMs. ThomasAngela CaldwellBugsTodd AmosMr. AmosMrs. AmosDeza MaloneJerry ClarkJerry Clark and Bud Caldwell are the main characters.To see who they are and their role in the book go to:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bud,_Not_Buddy
What we used to call doo doo bugs are normally called pill bugs, roly poly, wood louse, armadillo bug, potato bugs...
doo buddy