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Q: What does an Australian queen termite lay her eggs?
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How many eggs can a queen termite lay in a new termite colony?

A queen termite can lay 30,000 eggs in a day.

How many times does a queen termite lay her eggs?

every 15 seconds

What animal lay the most eggs?

The termite queen produces hundreds if not thousands of eggs a day. Tens of millions over a 10-20 year lifetime.

How many eggs do the queen army ant lay?

56 000, that's how much a queen termite can lay in a week.

How many offspring can a female termite have?

A female termite can lay thousands of eggs per day, which can result in a colony size of millions in some species.

What fish lays the least amount of eggs?

the termite queen she lays 30000 eggs eash day!and she lives for 23 yrs

Why do the queen ant and the queen termite have large abdomens?

Queen ants and queen termites are the ones that must lay eggs; the workers of most kinds either cannot lay eggs, or are not allowed to; that is the queen's job. In most species queens have to lay not only enough eggs to produce workers to get food, build the nest, feed the young and the queen or queens, but also to produce the young that go out to start up new colonies of ants or termites. In fact in most species the queens have to lay enough eggs for every member of the whole colony that cannot lay their own. On the other hand, in most species the queens don't have to do anything else; the workers do the rest. But the eggs the queens must lay don't come from nowhere; they have to be made by a special body part called an ovary (meaning roughly: egg-thing, egg-making-place, eggery or something like that). Every breeding female has ovaries; in the case of most ant and termite queens, she hardly needs anything else but she does need huge ovaries for the huge numbers of eggs she must lay. The ovaries of an insect are in the abdomen, so the queen's abdomen has to be large, often weighing hundreds of times more than the rest of the queen's body. Which was what you asked.

How many eggs can a queen bee lay in one day?

At the height of the breeding season she can lay up to 2,000 eggs a day.A honey bee queen can lay up to 1000 eggs per day.

Do all female bees lay eggs?

The queen bee lays eggs. No other bee in the colony does.

How many eggs dose the queen bee lay?

A queen honey bee can lay between 1000 and 2000 eggs per day.

Do the queen ant lay the eggs?


How many eggs can a queen bee lay in a year?

At the height of the season, a honey bee queen can lay up to 2000 eggs per day.