Look in the related link below for a picture of one.
no it would look like a flea
yes they do not have teeth but they don't bite human flesh, they only eat plants
The answer is ....NO! The PRAwn may look like it has the claws but,its mouth is too smallDNG AKA DeathNoteGal
Grasshoppers do not bite, they are Veggitarian
Termite tunnels look very similar to the tunnels of ants seen in ant farms. This is because both insects have similar tunneling methods.
The termite mounds look like big mountains of ragged rocks and they are brownish color.To get rid of them it is best to contact prevention and termite control website. They will help you no matter where you are in United States. If you have this problem in your backyard I suggest not to touch it because it is dangerous so please call right away!
termite mounds
a coyote is a wild dog do it looks like a dog bite
they are brown little bugs that move in your hair. they feed on human blood 1-8 times a day and bite your neck.
does couch roach bites and what do they look like
Termite larva are usually less than 1/10 of an inch long. They are white, pink or light brown in color. They also have very soft bodies, but otherwise look very similar to an adult worker.