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The mother lays 1,000 eggs every time she lays them. The mother lays 1,000 eggs every time she lays them.

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Q: What does a stick bug do that is unusual?
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What bug hide by disguising itself as a stick?

The Stick Bug

Who is that bug which hides by disguising itself as a stick?

Leaf bug, praying mantis or the stick bug, disguise themselves in this way, but it is probably the stick insect you are thinking about.

What is a stick on a stick?

A stick bug on a stick

Is a stick bug a insect?

Yes, stick insects are insects.

Is a stick bug an insect?

Yes, stick insects are insects.

What are facts about stick incects?

the interesting facts of a stick bug is that when predators come It will be shape as a stick and nobody or no bug /insect also a animal will even notice it.

Where can a stick bug be found?

In the woods

Why is the stick bug important?

It's not

Is a stick bug dangerous?

not really

What type of bug is slim off of bugs life?

Slim is a stick bug.

Can a spider kill a stick bug?

Maybe, this is all dependent upon the specific species of spider and the health and lifecycle of the common stick bug.

What if you lose a stick bug?

it will probably die