Milkweed bugs have oblong bodies that are black and orange-red in color. As its name implies, it feeds on milkweed plants. The adult milkweed bug has the ability to fly.
They mate from end to end for about 30 mins
a lady bug i believe
Different bug bites can appear to look like a hickey. The reason for this is the reaction to the skin. If a person has an adverse reaction the skin will become irritated, red, and swollen and appear hickey like.
"a black crawling insect with red markings that feeds on the juice of the milkweed and is often used in scientific research. Latin name Oncopeltus fasciatus." i looked on cuz i had the same question... Hope It helped.:D
its red with black polka dots
If they are tiny red bumps This condition is caused by a bug called the sarcoptic mite. For more info You can look on wikipedia.
The name of a black bug with a red spot on the back is the bordered plant bug nymph. They look much like a beetle and are found in Arizona, California, Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, and South Carolina.
Small red bumps. Small dot in the middle. Clear sticky substance sometimes oozing from the bump. Extremely itchy.
why is blood red?
Red milkweed bugs primarily feed on the seeds of milkweed plants. They use their specialized mouthparts to pierce milkweed pods and extract the seeds inside. They have a preference for milkweed, but they may also consume other plants and insects if milkweed seeds are not available.
The milkweed plant is part of various food webs in its ecosystem. It serves as a host plant for the monarch butterfly, providing nectar for pollinators, and shelter and food for insects like milkweed bugs and aphids. Additionally, predators like spiders and certain birds may prey on insects found on the milkweed plant.