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it eats smaller dragon flies, moths, bees, mosquitoes and other insects

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Q: What does a giant dragon fly eat?
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giant darner dragon fly

Do dragon fly's eat fly's?

Dragon flies usually come in numbers just before sunset. They fly around rather low to the ground and eat any insect that will fit into their mouth.

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Does a shark eat dragon fly larvae?

no no no no no no n o no

What type of fly is the largest?

The largest fly is the Gauromydas heros, commonly known as the giant atlas moth. It can have a wingspan of up to 5 inches.

Does a dragongfly eat Chuck Norris?

No chuck norris eats a dragon fly.

Are dragon fly's carnivore?

Yes, they catch other flying insects and eat them.

What do Dragon fly do?

Dragon flies usually come in numbers just before sunset. They fly around rather low to the ground and eat any insect that will fit into their mouth.

How is a dragonfly suited to living next to a pond?

a dragon fly has lots to eat next to a pond

Could a Venus Flytrap eat a Dragon fly?

Yes, as long as it's not too big.

How do you make a dragon fly in alchemy genetics?


Are dragon fly nymphs carnivours?

The dragon fly is a carnivore.