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my 4 y/o son bite by this stupid bug and what i did i showered him with cold water and put him some CALAMINE LOTION AND SENT him to Hosp.

The Nurse given him BENADRYL & STEROIDS.

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Q: What do you do when chiggers bite you?
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Does Maryland have chiggers?

It is definitely possible to get bitten by chiggers in Maryland. Chiggers are a type of tiny, red biting bug. By the time a person realizes they have been bitten, the chiggers have usually fallen off. The best way to treat a bite is with calamine lotion.

Are there chiggers in New York State?

Yes, I got a big chigger bite on my arm.

How many chigger bites can you get?

mine are itching 2 weeks later

Are there chiggers in Alaska?

There are something called no-see-ems which are probably chiggers or related to them. They bore right into one's body and the best way to get rid of them is to place a warm, damp bag of generic black tea over the bite and secure it in place for a few hours.

What do chigger look like?

Chiggers are tiny 6-legged creatures. They are known to attack people in wooded and/or damp areas. They are most commonly found during summertime when grass and weeds grow the heaviest. Chiggers do not bury themselves into the skin like small ticks do; they bite near the hair follicles and produce red welts which can be very painful and itchy. Chiggers are very small and cannot be seen without a magnifying glass. They usually feed on snakes, birds, and mammals; even humans. Chiggers usually bite humans where clothing fits tightly or in places like waistlines, armpits, and behind the knees. Chiggers are not known to carry disease in the United States. When they bite, the symptoms can continue for about a week. If symptoms are not treated, then they become a secondary infection.

How to treat chiggers?

if you mean how to treat the bites... you can put petroleum jelly or fingernail polish over the bite (this doesn't always help depending on the bite) or put calamine lotion on to help stop itching.

How do you cure a chigger bite?

The best way to relieve bites from chiggers is to wash skin vigorously with soap and water. Itching can be relieved by applying a topical corticosteroid cream. Rashes from chiggers can become infected with bacteria, and it's important to see a doctor if this happens.

Is there chiggers in Ohio?

yes there is chiggers in ohio

Do chiggers eat meat?

Yes chiggers do eat meat..

What states have chiggers?

South Carolina has plenty of chiggers!!! Want some?

Can chiggers kill you?

Chiggers are tiny mites that can cause intense itching and discomfort when they bite, but they do not pose any significant health risks and are not known to transmit diseases. In rare cases, severe allergic reactions to chigger bites may occur, but it is unlikely to be life-threatening.

Can chiggers be spread from person to person?

No, chiggers cannot be spread from person to person. Chiggers are the larval form of mites and typically only infest humans when they come into contact with vegetative areas where chiggers are present.