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Q: What do sea urchin capsules cement together to form?
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What is the singular possessive for urchin?

The singular possessive form is urchin's.

What part of speech is urchin?

The word urchin is a noun. The plural form is urchins.

Clay minerals cement layers of sediment together to form what?

Clay minerals can cement layers of sediment together to form shale, a type of sedimentary rock characterized by its fine-grained nature and distinct layering.

Dissolved minerals separate from water and become a natural what that binds the sedimentary rock together?

Cement. Minerals can cement sediment particles together to form solid rock through a process called cementation in sedimentary rocks.

What are the statues and bird baths made of concrete or cement?

cement No! Cement is used to stick two things (like bricks) together. Concrete is used to form things (like bid baths).

What minerals is cement made of?

Cement is primarily made of calcium, silicon, aluminum, and iron. These minerals are typically found in the form of limestone, clay, shale, and sand, which are heated together to create the final cement powder.

What is cement fomula?

The basic formula for cement is calcium oxide (lime), silica, alumina, and iron oxide. These elements are combined in specific proportions and then heated together to form a clinker, which is finely ground to produce cement powder.

Why does cement harden?

Cement hardens through a process called hydration, where water reacts with the cement particles to form a strong crystalline structure. This process results in the formation of a solid material that binds aggregates together to create concrete.

Is cement a covalent compound?

No, cement is not a covalent compound. Cement is a mixture of various compounds, primarily calcium silicates and aluminates, which react with water to form a solid matrix. These compounds are held together by ionic bonds, not covalent bonds.

Why does cement bond?

Cement bonds because of a chemical process called hydration, where water reacts with the compounds in cement to produce a strong, durable paste that binds the particles of sand and gravel together. This paste hardens over time to form a solid structure.

Does Mycobacterium phlei form capsules?

No, Mycobacterium phlei is not known to form capsules. Capsule formation is more commonly associated with certain pathogenic bacteria to help evade the host immune response. Mycobacterium phlei is a non-pathogenic soil bacteria and does not typically form capsules.