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Preying mantis feed on a wide range of small animals, If it is small enough for the mantis to catch and eat, it will do so: insects and other arthropods, small lizards, birds, mammals... Just about anything. Preying mantis are excellent predators.

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13y ago
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10y ago

A praying mantis will eat only insects that are alive. They will never eat anything that is dead. The preying mantis eats flies, caterpillars, butterfly's, moths, etc.

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12y ago

I've heard a pray mantis eats like raw meat or dead bugs thats what we are going to feed our babies.

P.S. they have the prettiest eyes.

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14y ago

Praying mantis eats bugs

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What does prying mantis mean?

a green and brownish bug that folds its front legs as if it is praying

Do mantis eat snake?

No, a mantis is a carnivore

Can you eat a praying mantis?

No, you can't eat a praying mantis.

Prying matis vs scorpion vs wasp?

ummm that's tough heres how i think it would go down praying mantis eats wasp scorpion kills mantis

What eat a praying mantis?

Other praying mantis, creobroters, European mantis and Larger brown mantis. also some birds will eat a praying mantis (humming birds and other small birds).

How do you get a praying mantis to eat?

Preying mantises need live food. Just leave the insect in the jar with the mantis. If the mantis will not eat, that probably means that it is not hungry.

Can praying mantis eat watermelon?

Yes they certainly can. My praying mantis loves it

What does a 1 centimeter mantis eat?

Very often they eat their siblings when they are that small. Other insects that a mantis of that size can eat would be fruit flies, gnats, aphids, etc. As long as the mantis can handle it's prey, it will eat anything.

Will adult mantis eat spider mites?

An adult mantis will eat anything it can get its jaws around or tear apart with its jaws.

Do praying mantis eat spiders?

No praying mantis do not eat spiders

What do mantis srimps eat?

Mantis shrimp mostly eat crustaceans like crabs and other shrimp. They may also eat small fish.