We called them dirt daubers. They are a type of wasp that is almost completely black in color. They build an enlongated "nest" out of mud and attach it in your garage, overhang of your roof, or anywhere they can put it where it is sheltered from rain. They lay their eggs in the nest, stuff it with stunned and paralyzed insects (they really like Spiders). These insects are food for their young when they hatch and are in the pupa stage. Dirt daubers have a stinger that they use to paralyze these insects but I have never heard of them stinging a human being.
Mud daubers live for a total of one year. Mud daubers are slender wasps that are known for eating black widow spiders.
in USA
Wasps known as mud daubers...
Almost any where in the world
Mud daubers can be prevented by using traditional wasp repellents. These can be purchased at a retail home improvement store.
To remove mud daubers from mud, gently spray the affected area with water to loosen the mud. Then, use a soft brush or cloth to wipe away the mud and the daubers. Make sure to clean the area thoroughly to prevent them from returning.
Yes. I just saw a mud dauber flying around and landing with a black widow underneath it. I was googling around for the same answer and learned that mud daubers eat spiders which explained what was going on.
Mud daubers survive the winter by entering a state of dormancy called diapause. They seek shelter in protected areas like attics or wall voids where they remain inactive until the temperatures rise in the spring. During this time, their metabolism slows down, allowing them to conserve energy and survive in colder conditions.
yes they are dangerous but if you have pie around you they will not go near you
Yes, they are found there.
The scientific name for a dirt dauber is Sceliphron caementarium.