

What do moths hate?

Updated: 11/16/2022
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13y ago

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To answer you question moths really hate people because they catch them and kill, and step on them that's whats moths hate.

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What moth do?

To answer you question moths really hate people because they catch them and kill, and step on them that's whats moths hate.

What are the Islamic moths of islam?

There are no Islamic moths. Maybe butterflies, but no moths.

What is the hunting regulations where you live in UK?

Mostly the majority of uk's hunting species are or is deer or moths they internally hate moths. The white horned deer is one of the most sacred animals in the UK. if you hunt one down you will suffer the consequences.

What are three kinds of moths?

Three types of moths are silk moths, Luna moths, and Rosy Maple moths. Silk moths are known for producing silk, Luna moths have striking lime-green wings, and Rosy Maple moths are recognized by their pink and yellow colors.

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An arctiid is a member of the Arctiidae, a family of moths which includes tiger moths, footmen, lichen moths, and wasp moths.

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The collective nouns are a collection of moths, a whisper of moths.

Why are some moths called polyphemus?

Polyphemus Moths are a species of giant silkworm moths

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Black peppered moths and white peppered moths

What does I have moths in my house mean?

The statement "Have moths in my house" means that there are moths in a given house.

Are cecropia moths vertebrates?

No, moths are insects.

Are moths consumer?

Moths are actually omnivores.

What do you call a group of moths?

Moths are very similar to butterflies. The group of insects that butterflies and moths belong to is the Lepidoptera. A group of only moths are called a wainscot.