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14y ago

Before the mayfly sheds its final skin and becomes a sexually mature adult, it can eat at its heart's content. But as soon as it sheds its final skin it loses its mouthparts and is unable to eat. This is because the adult mayfly has evolved to be purely for reproduction. Gaining wings allows it to traverse great distances to find a mate. Adult mayflies only live for about a day and spend as much time mating as possible before they starve.

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Q: What do mayflys eat?
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Are mayflys harmful?

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Are mayflys dangerious?

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Why don't mayflys have mouths?

Mayflies have mouths as nymphs to feed and grow, but as adults, they lack functional mouthparts because their sole purpose is to mate and lay eggs before they die soon after. The adult stage is focused on reproduction rather than feeding.

Where do mayflys live?

Mayfly Nymphs live under stones in fast-flowing water or among plants in slow streams. Some species live in small burrows at the bottom of the stream. Some are flat and cling to the bottom of rocks in fast-flowing streams. They are mostly found in cool, more permanent water bodies like streams and lakes.

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