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Q: What do joined appendages allow greater of?
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Some arthropods have no joined appendages?

false, because they do have appendages

Do dragonflies have jointed legs?

yes they do... they also have a paired appendages

What surface appendages that allow a bacterium to stick to a surface.?


How does having jointed appendages allow for greater mobility?

You can answer this question from your own experience. wrap one arm from hand to the other end with cloth to hold it tightly to a straight stick. Can you move your arm as well as before? Why not?

Are surface appendages that allow a bacterium to siick to a surface?

Surface appendages that allow a bacterium to stick to a surface are called pili or fimbriae. These structures help bacteria adhere to both biotic and abiotic surfaces, aiding in colonization and biofilm formation.

How does vegetation allow greater infiltration?

how does vegetation allow greater infiltration

What are the first animals to have appendages and what are appendages?

appendages are how many body parts do they have

What are surface appendages that allow a bacterium to stick to a surface.?


How many appendages do eels have?

Approximately zero appendages.

What appendages do pigs have?

most of mammals appendages are its legs, feet, toes and tails.

What is the appendages in a fetal pig?

The appendages in a fetal pig are four toes. Each of the four hooves have the same about of appendages.

What appendages do sharks have?

Sharks have no bony appendages and arguably no appendages unless you count the claspers of the male shark. Fins are not articulating.