Dragon flies are being eaten by snakes, frogs, spiders,bats and birds.
Dragon flies do not eat frogs duhhh
dragon flies
No they eat small insects including small flies, gnats, and small crawling insects!
They eat crickets grasshopper spiders moht flies worms,
Mayflies, caddis flies, damsel flies, grasshoppers, crickets, dragon fly.
it eats smaller dragon flies, moths, bees, mosquitoes and other insects
my regal eats bees loves them and grasshoppers and flies and ive seen them eat dragon flies
other fish, flies, mayflies, caddisflies, stoneflies, molusks, dragon flies, zooplankton
yes they do No they do not eat their eyes! They lap up the fluid around the eyes.
Dragon flies usually come in numbers just before sunset. They fly around rather low to the ground and eat any insect that will fit into their mouth.