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most caterpillars eat leaves. it depends on what species the caterpillar is but most of the eat gumtree leaves or eucalyptus tree leaves!!

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Q: What do cup moth caterpillars eat?
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Is a moth a meat eater?

No, but some moth caterpillars eat wool.

What do moth catapillars eat?

The caterpillars eat the leaves that they hatch on.

What do Io Moth caterpillars eat?

They eat wide varieties of leaves and bushes

What kind of bugs do caterpillars eat?

Virtually all caterpillars are vegetarians, they don't eat other insects.

What eats rushes?

Moth and butterfly larvae, as well as caterpillars eat rushes.

Are moth larva herbivore?

yes. they are catergorized with caterpillars and eat all sorts of vegitation.

What do Caterpilliars eat?

Most caterpillars eat leaves, however some will eat ant eggs (e.g. Large Blue) as part of their diet and some caterpillars (like that of the cloaths moth) will eat wool.

What do Luna moth caterpillars eat?

Luna moth caterpillars are mostly known as the silkmoth. They eat many leaves and plants such as walnut and pecan trees.

What do Privet Hawk-Moth Caterpillars eat?

The Privet hawkmoth (Sphinx ligustri) is a species of moth found in Europe and North America. As its name describes, the caterpillars feed on privets, as well as ash trees and lilacs.

What is the larvae of a silkworm moth called?

The larvae of a silkworm moth are called silkworm caterpillars or silk caterpillars.

What does caterpiller eats?

It depends upon the species of caterpillar. Monarch butterfly caterpillars eat milkweed. Gulf Fritillary caterpillars eat only passionvine. Many moth caterpillars can eat several types of plants. Butterflies are the most particular. They can eat only very limited species of plants. Without those plants, they will starve. Harvester butterfly caterpillars are 'meat' eaters; they eat aphids. Some caterpillars are cannibals and will eat other caterpillars off and on, but not as their primary diet.