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What chambers are you referring to. Your question can't be answered without more information.

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Q: What do ants use the chambers for?
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Can you listen for termites?

No...Termites do not make noise but carpenter ants make shuffling noises in their chambers. If it is ants you will hear them.

How stuff works ants how does the size of an anthill relate to conditions inside the nest?

Worker ants dig tunnels and chambers in the soil. As the colony grows, workers add more tunnels and chambers to the soil. The size of the visible hole relates to how many chambers the interior has.

What ants use other ants as slave ants?

red ants

What ants live in rotting wood and build a complicated system of chambers and tunnels?

Carpenter ants are known for living in rotting wood and creating complex systems of tunnels and chambers. They excavate wood to create galleries for nesting and can cause damage to wooden structures.

What body parts do ants use to move dirt?

Ants use their mandibles, legs, and bodies to move dirt. They can use their mandibles to grab and carry small particles of soil, their legs to push and compact the dirt, and their bodies to create tunnels and chambers within the soil.

What do you call ants home?

Ants live in structures called anthills or ant colonies. These colonies are typically made up of intricate tunnels and chambers where the ants nest, store food, and care for their young.

What animal lives in another plant or animal and eats that plant or animals wothout killing it?

I can think of no better example than acacia trees and acacia ants. The tree has special chambers for the ants to live in and it has special growths specially made for feeding the ants.

Does ants use defenses to protect themselfs?

yes ants "does" use defenses to protect "themselfs"

What do ants excrete?

Ants defecate and urinate. In ants, the main component of urine is whitish crystals of uric acid. Usually the urine and feces are excreted together as light brown droplets in special chambers of their nest.

Do Ants use the Internet?


Why do ants use their antennae?

Ants use their antennae to sense their environment. They can detect chemical trails left by other ants, communicate with each other through pheromones, and navigate their surroundings by detecting obstacles and food sources.

What is a formicary?

A formicary is a structure built by ants to serve as their nest. It is typically made of a network of tunnels and chambers to house the ant colony and store food. The formicary is a crucial part of the ants' social structure and survival.