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Kept off the ground and waving in the air like antennaeare what ant-mimicking Spiders [Myrmarachne spp] do with the two extra legs that spiders have and ants don't. These spiders have black, brown or orange shaped bodies that look like an ant's. They use six out of eight legs to run in a zigzag pattern that imitates an ant's way of getting around.

Why do they do this? Ants are known to be distasteful to wildlife. Some of them also use their mimickry to eat the very ants they copycat. So they behave in this way to protect themselves from predators and to find food sources.

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Q: What do ant-mimicking spiders do with two extra legs?
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Do spiders have two legs?

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A spider has two body segments A spider has two body segments

Why is an spider not an insect?

They are aracnids which means that they have eight legs instead of six. Insects have an exoskeleton, a three-part body (head, thorax, and abdomen), three pairs of jointed legs, compound eyes, and two antennae. Spiders have eight legs, and soft bodies.

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No. Spiders are arachnids, with two body parts and eight legs. Insects have three body parts, and six legs.

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Insects have six legs and three body segments (head, thorax, abdomen) while spiders have eight legs and two body segments (cephalothorax, abdomen). Insects also have antennae whereas spiders do not. Additionally, insects undergo metamorphosis while most spiders do not.

Do spiders only have two legs that work and are the rest fake?

They all work.

Spider an insect?

Spiders are not insects; they are arachnids. Insects have six legs, while spiders have eight. Insects have three body segments, but spiders have two.

Are spiders called insects if not what are they called?

Spiders are not called insects; they belong to a separate group called arachnids. Insects have six legs and three body segments, while spiders have eight legs and two body segments.

What is Australia's common house spider?

Two common house spiders are the Daddy long-legs and the Huntsman. There are links below to both spiders.

What are 6 differences between spiders and insects?

For one, spiders are arachnids. They have 8 legs and sometimes fangs or multiple eyes. Insects (not arachnids) sometimes have wings and less legs than spiders. See the legs, first - spiders have eight, insects have six. Insects have antennae and spiders do not. Let us now consider the number of body parts - insects have three and spiders have two. In addition, if the animal is hanging by a thread, it is a spider. Spiders make silk insects do not.

The easiest way to tell whether an arthropod is an insect or a spider is to?

Insects have six legs and three main body parts (head, thorax, and abdomen), while spiders have eight legs and two body parts (cephalothorax and abdomen). Additionally, insects typically have wings and antennae, which spiders do not have.

What anthropod has eight legs and two body segments?

The arachnid class of invertebrates, which includes spiders, scorpions, and ticks, have eight legs and two body segments - a cephalothorax (combination of head and thorax) and an abdomen. This body structure distinguishes them from insects, which have six legs and three body segments.