Stingray was a British television show in the 1960's. The acronym WASP stands for the World Aquanat Security Patrol.
WASP stands for "White Anglo-Saxon Protestant".WASP stands for "Women's Aircraft Service Planes" if you researching Mr.Anderson's packet. :)Womens airforce service pilot.
WASP stands for "White Anglo-Saxon Protestant" and it refers to the ethnicity that have traditionally dominated English-speaking countries such as England and the United States.
WASP stands for "White Anglo Saxon Protestant".
WASP stands for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant.
In1943, WAFS, or Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron, was changed to WASP which stands for Women Air Force Service Pilots.
A wasp causes a wasp sting
In the Uraban Dictionary it stands for white anglo-saxon insect that helps in growing crops by killing bugs that can be harmful to plants
WASP stands for White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. In America and much of Europe, they are considered the majority.
Yes - there are many types of wasps in California including: German yellowjacket, western yellowjacket, California yellowjacket, paper wasp, mud dauber, fig wasp, Western sand wasp, square headed wasp, bee wolf, Pacific burrowing wasp, gall wasp, soldier wasp, club horned wasp, burrowing wasp, blue mud wasp, cutworm wasp, thread-waisted wasp, mason wasp, potter wasp, and pollen wasp. Obviously this is not a complete list - just scratching the surface really - but it does demonstrate that California has plenty of wasps.
Just like you did: wasp.
'Wasp' is 'boombur.'