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wild pigs (peccaries), capybara, fish, lizards, deer, and sloths

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7y ago

Bacteria and fungi will decompose a dead jaguar.

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Q: What decomposes jaguars in the tropical rainforest?
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What decomposes the tropical rain forests?

bacteria decomposes the rainforest

What decomposes do in a tropical rainforest's?

break up people

Name some animals in the tropical rainforest?

jaguars and monkcy

How do jaguars adapt to the tropical rainforest habitat?

they have no needs at all

What are carnivores in the tropical rainforest?

predators that live in the amazon rain forests are mainly jaguars,snakes,and some birds

Do jaguars live in the temperate or tropical rain forests?

Yes Jaguars can live in all types of rain forests.

What process will not create fossil?

A dead organism decomposes in a rainforest

What are some animals that live in the tropical rainforest?

Some animals that live in the tropical rainforest include jaguars, sloths, toucans, and tree frogs. These animals have adapted to the diverse and dense environment of the rainforest to thrive in this habitat.

What kind of animals live in humid tropical?

Animals that live in humid tropical regions include various species of monkeys, sloths, jaguars, parrots, toucans, and frogs. These animals have adapted to the warm and wet conditions of the tropical environment.

Animals in tropical rainforest?

Animals in tropical rainforests include a diverse range of species such as jaguars, sloths, toucans, and poison dart frogs. These animals have adapted to the dense vegetation, high humidity, and warm temperatures of the rainforest biome. Many rely on the rich biodiversity of the rainforest for food and shelter.

What kinds of carnivores are in the tropical rainforest?

tigers, jaguars, alligators, crocodiles, snakes, panthers, and rats and other small meat eaters.

What type of rainforest is the amazon?

The Amazon Rainforest is a tropical rainforest.