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No navy boat has been attacked by a giant squid. This is the stuff of movies, not real life.

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Q: What country was the navy boat that got attacked by a giant squid from?
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From which country was a navy boat attacked by a giant squid in 1930?


Why do giant squids sink boats?

The reason is because the squids either find the boat as a threat to their territory of they mistake them for a whale which happens to be a famouse predator of the giant squid.

Can a giant squid really destroy ships?

Very unlikely even though its a giant squid it will not go near big boat because the giant squid likes to feed on the lower levels of the ocean that is why it has taken us so long to find its existence now if you are on a little raft yo may be in trouble if one has come up looking for food.

Do humans eat giant squids?

I think humans eat giant squid if they are brave enough to see what it tasteslike!-Jacob Huston

What is a Kraken?

A Kraken is a huge sea monster in Norwegian Greek legend that looks like a giant octopus or giant squid. The legend may very well be born from rare occurrences of giant squid coming to the surface and attacking ships; Sperm whales are known to hunt down and eat giant squid. This giant squid theory seems unlikely though as a giant squid would probably die from the changing pressures before reaching the surface. I think it's a giant squid. A3 I believe I read that the Kraken was one of the "Titans". I think the Titans preceeded humanity here on earth, according to legend (the Greeks or Romans?), and all had been nearly killed off when humans became the primary and dominant species on earth. I think it was a sea monster, under the control of the God of the Sea, Poisedon. A4 Its one of the "Titans" A giant squid-like creature that would bring man down underwater and down to their dooms. A5 the kraken is a Scandinavian legend people think its a giant squid, i think its cousin the colossal squid and yes the would die before reaching the surface but in 2007 a new zealand fishing boat did their last cast they caught a fish but while reallying up the fish something bit on something big they found the first live colossal squid and that squid was not happy but the got it to new zealand. there is also the devil fish a giant octopus

What can a giant wear for a hat?

A tent or a boat.

What happened at two ockocked?

doodoo people attacked the boat.

What did sailors do if attacked or wrecked?

If attacked, take over the assaulting party's boat. If shipwrecked, salvage EVERYthing possible.

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It was keaking underarm sweat

German submarines that attacked ships bound for Britain were called?

it was called U-boat

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