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they live in space

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7y ago

None ! Oysters live in the sea !

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Where do oysters live?

oysters live in water:on the surface land of the water

How are oysters and snails different?

snails live in land oysters live in waterthank you

Where do oysters?

oysters live in water:on the surface land of the water

Where do royal thorny oysters live?

Royal thorny oysters live permanetly attached to corals and rocks.

Where lives oysters?

oysters live in water:on the surface land of the water

Do oysters live alone in in groups?

Oysters are known for living in groups. Oysters are commonly found in brackish water like bays in the United States.

Do animals live on an oysters shell?

I have seen mussels attached to oysters and barnacles.

What is the cost of oysters?

Depends on where you live.

Do oysters live in title pools?


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Do oysters live by the coast or in the coral reef?

They live in a coral reef

Who live in?

crabs live in shells. so do clams, oysters, and scallops