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Cuttlefish produce a brownish-colored ink called sepia. Cuttlefish ink was in fact where sepia first came from. The Latin name of the common cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis, reflects this fact.

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The skin of cuttlefish changes color rapidly, in order to evade predators, using elastic pigment sacs called chromatophores.

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Q: What color is the ink a cuttlefish sprays?
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Pigment for the color sepia was originally obtained from what aquatic animal?

The pigment for the color sepia was originally obtained from the ink sac of the common cuttlefish, a marine mollusk. The ink sac contains a dark brown liquid used for defense and communication.

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Sepia ink is derived from cuttlefish ink.

Where does the natural dye sepia come from?

Originally from the ink of the cuttlefish.

What name is given to cuttlefish ink?

Genuine Sepia.

What is the cuttlefish enemies?

Apart from sharks, monkfish and swordfish, the cuttlefish has another huge predator - the human. Cuttlefish are used in food preparations, aquariums, and also bred for their ink and cuttlebone.

Can cuttlefish see color?


Can a cuttlefish change color?


What are the Cuttlefish colors?

Cuttlefish can change color so easily it puts chameleons to shame. In short, they can take on virtually any color or pattern.

How does an octopus escape from its enemies?

The octopus sprays a amount ink (when being attacked) .Then it swims away.

How does a cuttlefish change color?

We don't "know" yet.

What is the origin of the word sepia?

From Italian seppia "cuttlefish", for the ink made from that species and the colour of the resulting drawings.

What sprays electrically charged droplets of ink?

An electrostatic ink spray system sprays electrically charged droplets of ink. These systems charge the ink particles before they are sprayed, allowing for precise deposition on a variety of surfaces. Electrostatically charged droplets are often used in inkjet printers for high-quality, fast printing.