Small wounds on the ankles. Bug bites would be a good candidate.
When an ant bites you, the poison that is supposed to hurt small insects gets inside you and causes the area to itch.
Most cat bites are the result of fear on the cat's part
Nibble:Verb: take small bites Noun: An instance of nibbling something.
B/c the mosquitoes carry small parasites that they can pass on to the person that gets bitten. And it's the parasites that causes the deadly disease.
A mosquito bit me, the spot now itches insatiably. When a mosquito bites a person, their saliva is injected into the bloodstream, which causes itching. Mosquitoes are small.
if you have an allery or if something bites you or irritate you , depends.
Blood vessels will expand to keep the bite from bleeding. This expansion of blood vessels can irritate nerves that are nearby which causes the insect bites to sting and/or itch.
It Can Be In Both
no see ums,there bug bites