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Q: What can eat a dumbo octopus?
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How do dumbo octopus eat?

by me

Do dumbo octopus eat worms?


Where do people eat the Dumbo Octopus?

People eat the Dumbo Octopus in Japan in any town its a popular dish in Japan.I would recomend going to Japan for it,your welcome for the answer.

What predators do dumbo octopus have?

The oil sea snake hunts the dumbo octopus.

What is the difference between a Dumbo Octopus and a normal octopus?

A dumbo octopus (an octopus of the genus Grimpoteuthis) has earlike fins sticking out of its body, but a regular octopus does not. The dumbo octopus also has webbing between its tentacles.

What are things that might eat a dumbo octopus?

Maybe a shark or something like that i know that polar bears eat squid so they might eat octopus as well, Brooklynn

How does a dumbo octopus catch its food?

the dumbo octopus got its name from the Disney character dumbo. because it has two ear like fins at the top of its head that they use for swimming to get away from its enemies.

What is the weirdest looking octopus?

the dumbo octopus

How does the Dumbo octopus reproduce?


Is a coconut octopus a vertebrat or invertebrate?

yes a dumbo octopus is a invertebrate

What do dumbo octupus eat?

they eat crustaceans and zooplankton octopuses eat more than just that. They eat fish and crab plankton and more then I can name. They don't JUST eat crustaceans and zooplankton. People I am a expert on octopus and I still go the school.

Predators of a dumbo octopus?

The dumbo octupus enemies are any sea water animal that will attack for food.