

Best Answer
  • carpenter ants
  • termites
  • pine bark beetle larva
  • etc.
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Q: What bugs eat wood that?
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Do pill bugs eat marijuana?

No, Pill Bugs do not eat marijuana. They eat wood.

What do wood toads eat?

Wood toads eat primarily just crickets, grasshoppers and June bugs.

Do wood bugs eat plants?

Yes, wood bugs eat plants. The crustaceans in question also may be called isopods, pill bugs, or roly-poly bugs. They prey upon dead and decaying animals and plants as well as upon living plants.

What Snakes eat bugs besides the Rough Green?

copperheads eat wood roaches

Do pill bugs eat grass?

Yes they do, Roly Polys eat plants like Leaves and grass.

What kinds of food do woodpeckers eat?

They eat various nuts, mostly any nut found in a tree. I guess wood and worms ans wood bugs.....they are birds after all. Bugs/insects

Do lady bigs eat aphids?

lady bugs ladybugs Lady bugs are the interesting insect that eats wood

What do pills eat?

if you are talking about pill bugs i think they eat leaves, wood, and decaying animals... so they are decomposers

Do wood peckers eat a oak tree?

Wood peckers do not eat wood, they eat bugs and insects. The only reason it seems they eat wood because they are pecking at the bark of trees to get to the insect or bug inside thetree that is why they are called WOODPECKERS!!!!!!no all it does is peck wood it eats bugs and insects

What do rollypollys eat?

Rollypollys, also known as pill bugs or sow bugs, feed on decaying organic matter like leaves and wood. They also may eat some fruits and vegetables. Additionally, they will consume their own waste as a source of nutrients.

Will salamanders eat bugs that are dead?

Salamanders are Herbivores which are animals that eat plants so there for Salamanders do not eat ants

What eat woodticks?

Guinea fowl are well known for the amount of wood ticks they eat. My friend has 25 of them and they would rather have wood ticks and other bugs than the wild birdseed that is provided for them.