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Bed bugs, mosquitoes. In South America it could be the kissing bug.

bed bugs

I'm the bed bug guy and I'm not joking there real and they live in American

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14y ago

Bedbugs, if you have bed bugs act fast to get rid of them.

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Q: What bug bites you while you sleep?
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What is it when you go to sleep and you wake up with bug bites?

You might have bed bugs

How do you stop bug bites?

Bug Spray

Is there a bug bite treatment that I can take as a pill?

While the cream or lotion is more common in treating bug bites there are other forms of medicine that can be taken. There are antihistamines including Benadryl that are now offered in a pill form and effective in treating bug bites.

Will garlic prevent bed bug bites?

the best thing to prevent bug bites and stings is to use dryer sheets and bug spray.

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You have bed bug bites but you don't have bed bugs Where did the bed bug bites come from?

If you don't have bedbugs your bites are not from bedbugs, or you are being bitten while you are somewhere else. Bedbug bites are commonly confused with flea bites and mosquito bites. There is also a skin rash called Pityriasis Rosea that may be caused by a virus and that may look like Bed Bug bites at first. If you think you have a Bedbug bite go to a doctor, have a specialist inspect your home for bedbugs, or research about what Bedbug bites look like. Bedbugs are not known to transmit diseases or parasites to people, but their bits can be painful and worrisome.

When you scratch bed bug bites does it spread?

Hey - bed bug bites tend to be on upperbody and flies lower body

How long do bug bites generally take to heal?

The length of time a bug bite will take to heal will depend largely on what bug has bitten you. A mosquito bite can take a day or two to go away while there are some ant and spider bites that may take weeks to heal and need proper treatment.

Can bug bites cause Amnesia?

It depends on the type of a bug if it is a beetle maybe!