They only hurt you if they sting you.
Bees do not hurt unless pain has been inflicted on them. However they don't have complex nerve systems like humans have so I imagine bees don't hurt as much as we do.
Honey and wax- but the greatest value that bees produce is pollination of fruits and vegetables.
No because he is a bee and he can't get stung from the other bees
Republicans and Corporations.
Harvesting beeswax does not hurt the bees. The bees will just continue on with their work and create more beeswax.
Scrystals and the cells in a bees honeycomb nest
no but it will generally hurt.
yes but it also depends what pet you have
Bees vs WaspsWasps hurt a lot more believe me!! and wasps are faster and they sting more then once
they help them by getting hurt by diffrent animals