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Skeletal elements called spicules

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Q: What are the red spots seen in the later staged embryos in sea urchins?
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Related questions

Why do you have spots on your upper arm?

if you stay out in the sun for a while that will cause spots to show later in life

Are there any animals born with spots who later get stripes?

No there are not any.

Has Zac Efron got spots?

no but he might later on in life!! Lol :D

What color are dalmatians when they are born?

Dalmatians are born pure white. Dalmatian puppies' first spots usually starting in the first week of life and continue for about a month. They will continue throughout life to develop spots but at a slower rate. Spots range in different sizes and sometimes in different colours (blue, grey) other than your typical black or brown.

How old does one have to be to get beauty spots?

One can get beauty spots at any age. They can exist in the form of birthmarks for some people. They can also appear in later life. They can be on males or females.

Where do you find the sea urchins on my sims kingdom for wii?

In "MySims Kingdom" for Wii, you can find sea urchins while fishing in water near the beach or in ponds. Look for bubbles in the water to locate fishing spots. Use the fishing minigame to catch sea urchins.

Do white tailed deer babies have spots when they are born?

Fawns(baby deer) Have "white" spots on them because it fools predators into thinking that it's just the sunlight coming through the leaves

Why are red spots appearing on areas of skin that are sunburnt one week after the sunburn?

Sometimes, you get hives or red spots later. Science chemical reactions takes time. You really have to use lotion.

Is it possible to get black and white spotted puppies?

Dalmatian pups are pure white as newborns, but their black spots grow in later.

What is meaning of liver -marked?

a pigmentation mark, occurring later in life.

What colour are the cassowary eggs?

pea green when laid, later they become less bright in colour

Tiger is to stripe as leopard is to?

leopard is to spots