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Q: What are the most dangerous spiders are in Goa?
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Are most spiders harmless?

Yes, the majority of spiders are harmless to humans and prefer to avoid interaction. They typically only bite if provoked or threatened, and most spider bites are not dangerous. However, it is important to be cautious around spiders you are not familiar with, as some species can be venomous.

Are spiders that swim dangerous?

They can be : most spiders use venom to paralyze their prey.

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Are woodlouse spiders dangerous?

While woodlouse spiders have venom and can bite if threatened, their venom is not considered dangerous to humans. Bites may cause localized pain and swelling, but typically do not result in serious effects. It's recommended to exercise caution and avoid handling these spiders to minimize the risk of being bitten.

Are furrow spiders dangerous?

Furrow spiders belong to the genus Larinioides.These spiders weave orb webs. No spiders that weave orb webs are dangerous to humans.

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Why do humans kill spiders?

* In South America spiders are eaten as food. * In most countries they can be irrationally killed because of arachnophobia. * While spiders are not usually deadly, they can be venomous and therefore considered dangerous.

Witch spiders are dangorous and why are they dangorous?

The most dangerous spider is the money spider is has fans and poison gills

How can you find the most dangerous spider?

just go to they show spiders or animals interesting stuff is in there.

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